STEM in the News - Pioneer Valley

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Results from MSSEF of 2017 Middle School Fair

WPI Looking to Hire Adjunct Faculty Program Supervisors for Teacher Preparation Program

WPI’s Teacher Preparation Program is looking to hire program supervisors to act as adjunct faculty members, overseeing undergraduate student teachers in secondary math and science teaching practicum placements. The program is hiring for both fall and spring 2017-2018 semesters. This role is a good fit for anyone with experience teaching grades 6-12 math and/or science (technology/engineering teachers will be considered depending on resume) and who is no longer in the classroom (requires visits to schools during the day). The program supervisor acts as the WPI representative throughout a student teacher’s practicum, observing, providing feedback, coaching the supervising practitioner (in classroom teacher) who is also working with the student teacher, and working with the Teacher Prep team. Please see the job posting for a full list of position responsibilities and requirements. Contact Katie Elmes, Program Director, with any questions ( 


Women in Engineering and Computing Day at UMass Amherst

SAVE THE DATE! We hope that you and your female students considering engineering or computing as a field of study will be able to join us for - 

Women in Engineering and Computing Day
UMass Amherst
Monday, October 23rd, 2017
8:30 am - 1:15 pm

This program is most appropriate for freshman/sophomores, to encourage them to pursue the math and science courses in high school to set them up to pursue degrees in engineering or computing OR for juniors/seniors not yet sure what STEM field they are interested in. The day consists of a UMass student panel, hands-on activities, and opportunities to interact with alumni (Keynote talk) and industry partners (demos and exhibits).
Registration will open in late August and I’ll send another email at that time. Please feel free to email Dr. Paula Rees with any questions before then, or to be added to our direct email list! (

STEM Professional Development Workshops at WPI

Are you looking to expand your STEM knowledge and teaching skills this summer?

The STEM Education Center offers a variety of professional development workshops for teachers on WPI's campus during the academic year as well as throughout the summer. We focus on enriching STEM education in the classroom at both the subject specific level and as fully integrated subject content & practices across STEM fields.

 For more information and registration see: 

Jr. Tech, Inc STEM Summer Camps

Jr.Tech, Inc. is pleased to announce coed, hands-on STEM camps for July and August 2017. Students visiting the Cape Region and local students can remain engaged and build skills in STEM this summer. The Jr.Tech 2017 Cape Cod Summer STEM Coed Camps Include:

Graphic Arts Explorations & Technology!
Dates: July 17, 18, 19, 20
Days: Monday – Thursday
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Grades: entering 6 – 9
Price: $198
Where: Cape Cod Regional Technical School

Intro to Computer Game Programming and Development – Level 1 (second week offering still available)
Dates: July 31, August 1, 2, 3
Days: Monday – Thursday
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Grades: entering 5 – 8
Price: $255
Where: Upper Cape Cod Regional Tech

3D Modeling, 3D Printing, and Robotics Workshop
Dates: August 1, 2, 3
Days: Tuesday – Thursday
Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Grades: entering 6 – 9
Price: $287
Where: Osterville Village Library

Computer Game Programming and Development – Level 2
Dates: August 7, 8, 9, 10
Days: Monday – Thursday
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Prerequisite: Level 1 thru Jr.Tech or another program
Price: $205
Where: Sturgis Charter Public School — West Campus

Bayside Estuary Exploration!
Date: Tuesday, August 8
(rain date Friday 8/11)
Time: 8:30am – 11:30am
Grades: entering 4 and 5
Price: $52
Where:  Dowes Beach, Osterville, MA 

Jr. Spy Academy!
Date: Wednesday, August 9
Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Grades: entering 4 and 5
Price: $59
Where: Osterville Village Library 

Intro to Computer Programming and Algorithms using Python Software
Dates: August 14, 15, 16, 17
Days: Monday – Thursday
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Grades: entering 8 – 12
Price: $198
Where: Sturgis Charter Public School - West Campus 

Additional information, registration links, and a copy of the brochure is available on the website, please visit  . 

Major STEM Opp (G5-16) - Mission 12 to the International Space Station

Berkshire Eagle Coverage of the , April 29, 2017