BIOL 100 Concepts in Biology (4 credits)
Provides the non-major knowledge of basic biological concepts. Concepts in Biology deals with the development of concepts in the biological science of life. Among the areas to be studied are evolution, genetics, and developmental biology: all deal with the fundamental characteristic of life: its ability to replicate over time. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: None
BIOL 101 Biology Seminar for Majors (1 credit)
Introduces students to biology in order to support majors in their academic work. Explores the diversity of fields within biology through presentations, reading and writing activities and interactions with peers and mentors. This seminar is required for all 911黑料网 biology majors.
Prerequisite: Biology major
BIOL 105 Human Biology (3 credits)
Provides students with the knowledge about the structure and function of the human body. Students will develop ability to critically evaluate a large number of issues in this field, as presented in scientific publications and the news media. Students will gain a foundation essential for making knowledgeable decisions regarding quality of life. Students will be encouraged to share experiences based on their own culture and gender.
Prerequisite: None
BIOL 150 Introduction to Biology I: Cells (4 credits)
Introduces the student to cell biology, mitosis, meiosis, genetics, photosynthesis, respiration and cellular organisms. This course is designed for, but not limited to, students pursuing a major/minor in science. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: None
BIOL 160 Introduction to Biology II: Organisms (4 credits)
Introduces the student to evolution, ecology, and diversity of life. This course is designed for, but not limited to, students pursuing a major/minor in science. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: BIOL 150
BIOL 195 Topics in Biology (1 to 4 credits)
Provides students with an opportunity to explore different topics and current issues in biology or related fields within the Department. This course is designed to focus on special biological topics or issues at an introductory level.
Prerequisite: None
BIOL 235 Botany (4 credits)
Overview of the fundamental principles of plant biology with emphasis on anatomy, taxonomy, physiology and evolution of algae, non-vascular and vascular plants, including major divisions of gymnosperms and angiosperms. The focus will be on plants of economic, cultural or ecological significance. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: BIOL 100 or BIOL 150
BIOL 240 Genetics (4 credits)
Examines the major aspects of heredity, with emphasis on Mendelian principles as well as multiple genes, linkage, sex chromosomes, chromosome numbers, and biochemical and population genetics. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: BIOL150
BIOL 245 Zoology (4 credits)
Introduces the student to the biology of the invertebrate and vertebrate animals of the world through evolutionary and phylogenetic relationships. The course serves as an introduction to the major phyla. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: BIOL150 or equivalent
BIOL 250 Nutrition (3 credits)
Investigates the importance of diet for present and future good health. Examines the importance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals, and their interactions. In addition, the course explores topics such as label reading, diets, dietary analysis and other issues of current interest.
Prerequisite: BIOL100 or BIOL150
BIOL 255 Biodiversity (4 credits)
Focuses on global, regional and local patterns of biological diversity and the processes that influence these patterns. Central to discussions of biodiversity pattern and process will be the relevant scientific principles from ecology, evolution and conservation biology. The impact of humans on natural systems and biodiversity loss will also be discussed. Specific case studies will be used to illustrate biodiversity loss and proposals to protect and restore biodiversity. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: None
BIOL 295 Topics in Biology (1 to 4 credits)
Provides students with an opportunity to explore different topics and current issues in biology or related fields within the Department. This course is designed to focus on special biological topics or issues at a sophomore level.
Prerequisite: BIOL 150 or department approval
BIOL 305 Immunology (3 credits)
Examines the structure and function of antigens, antibodies and the cellular system of immunity. Additional topics include a study of the complement system, antibody classification, and immunological tolerance. The interaction of all systems will be emphasized.
Prerequisite: BIOL 240
BIOL 307 Pharmacology (3 credits)
Examines the basic principles of pharmacology. Focuses on prescription and non-prescription drugs, their use, actions, indications, contraindications, misuse and abuse. Drugs will be considered on a body system basis with the appropriate consideration of the application of pharmacological principles as applied to specific body systems. Emphasis is on pharmacological applications to athletic training. Stresses the use of electronic media in both learning exercises and as a source of drug information.
Prerequisite: BIOL 150, CHEM 150
BIOL 310 Animal Physiology (4 credits)
Explores man and other vertebrates, in regard to the structure and function of the basic tissue types and the major organ systems with major emphasis on normal functions and the interactions of each organ system to insure homeostasis. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: BIOL 150
BIOL 312 Epidemiology (3 credits)
Introduces the student to the field of epidemiology. Students will learn about the distribution, frequency, and determinants of patterns of disease and health conditions in various human populations.
Prerequisite: BIOL 150 & Math 232
BIOL 316 Functional Human Anatomy (3 credits)
Studies human anatomy as it pertains to human motion, with respect to anatomical and musculoskeletal fundamentals. Includes a review of anatomy with emphasis on the function of joints and muscles as they relate to normal human movement.
Prerequisite: BIOL 100 or BIOL 150
BIOL 317 Advanced Genetics (3 credits)
Studies selected topics in the field of genetics. Emphasizes the genetic mechanism as well as how this enables us to understand how genetics fits into the growing field of biology as well as its impact upon society.
Prerequisite: BIOL 240
BIOL 318 Parasitology (4 credits)
Introduces students to the principles of parasitology and the related health concerns to humans and animals. Parasites from the following categories will be covered: protozoa, platyhelminthes, nematoda and arthropoda. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: BIOL 245
BIOL 320 Microbiology (4 credits)
Investigates prokaryotic and viral microbes with emphasis on both general and clinical applications. Major topics covered are taxonomy, anatomy, morphology, reproduction and growth, bacterial control, pathogenicity, genetics and genetic engineering. Extensive laboratory protocol is provided. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: BIOL 240
BIOL 324 Marine Biology (3 credits)
Explores the factors that limit the abundance and distribution of marine organisms. Topics include the diversity of habitats, reproductive strategies and the interrelationships between organisms, as well as the influence of currents, light, temperature and nutrient supply on the abundance and distribution of life in the oceans.
Prerequisite: BIOL 235, BIOL 245 or permission of instructor
BIOL 327 Plants and Society (3 credits)
Introduces students to the interactions between people and plants in cultures throughout the world. Topics to be discussed include the current and historical use of plants as food, fiber, fuel and medicine.
Prerequisite: None
BIOL 330 Biology Seminar (1 credit)
Utilizes a format of individual reports and/or group discussions of current papers, topics, or problems in the biological sciences. One hour weekly.
Prerequisite: Junior/senior Biology majors
BIOL 340 Developmental Biology (4 credits)
Investigates the development of plants and animals at the cellular, tissue and organismal level. Topics include gametogenesis, fertilization, early development, organogenesis and the control of these processes. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: BIOL 240
BIOL 341 Conservation Biology (3 credits)
Introduces the preservation of biodiversity at all levels: genetic, population, community, ecosystem and biosphere. Topics will include population biology, extinction, wildlife and land-use management, and socioeconomic factors involved in conservation decision making.
Prerequisite: BIOL 100 or BIOL 150 or ENVI 150 or ENVI 150H
BIOL 342 Anatomy and Physiology I (4 credits)
Explores structure and function of the organ systems of the human body, with emphasis on the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous and endocrine systems. The required laboratory includes histology, gross anatomy and physiology exercises. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: BIOL 150
BIOL 343 Anatomy and Physiology II (4 credits)
Explores structure and function of the organ systems of the human body, with emphasis on the respiratory, cardiovascular, immune, renal and reproductive systems. The required laboratory includes histology, gross anatomy and physiology exercises. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: BIOL 150, BIOL 342
BIOL 351 Ornithology (4 credits)
Provides an overview of the fundamental principles of avian biology with emphasis on ecological and behavioral aspects of ornithology. Students will learn to identify about 100 regional species by sight and/or sound. A semester long project will encourage students to investigate and read the ornithological peer-reviewed scientific literature. Lab activities will include field trips to practice identifying birds and collecting avian field data. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: BIOL 100 or BIOL 150 or ENVI 150 or ENVI 150H or instructor permission
BIOL 360 Biochemistry (3 credits)
Surveys the structure and properties of biologically important compounds: carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, lipids, nucleic acids, and vitamins. Other topics to be covered include enzyme activity, cellular metabolism and protein synthesis.
Prerequisite: CHEM 201
BIOL 361 Advanced Biochemistry (3 credits)
Studies the chemical dynamics in living systems. Topics include enzymes mechanisms, metabolism and its regulation, and energy production and utilization.
Prerequisite: BIOL 360
BIOL 371 Forest Environment (4 credits)
Provides the student a background and introduction to the forest ecosystem. The temperate forest of the Northeast will exemplify the principles discussed. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: Junior status
BIOL 375 Aquatic Ecology (4 credits)
Focuses on the physical, chemical, and biological environment of freshwater systems, as well as on common methods used in the study of these systems. Concepts will be applied to addressing current challenges in conserving freshwater resources. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: BIOL 100 or BIOL 150 or ENVI 150H or instructor approval
BIOL 380 Evolution (3 credits)
Examines the history of evolutionary thought and the processes of organic evolution. Students will present selected topics to the class. Guest speakers will present the effects of Darwinian thinking in such disciplines as philosophy, anthropology, psychology, sociology and religion.
Prerequisite: Junior status and/or department approval
BIOL 390 Biometry (3 credits)
Application-oriented introduction to data analysis in the context of biology. Students will learn to statistically analyze and interpret data collected from a variety of biological experiments.
Prerequisite: Junior status and MATH 150, or MATH 220, or MATH 232
BIOL 395 Special Topics in Biology (1 to 4 credits)
A course or seminar for students who have taken a substantial number of biology courses. This course may explore any of a variety of topics.
Prerequisite: Junior/senior status, department approval.
BIOL 410 Biotechniques (4 credits)
Explores major techniques in the fields of biochemistry, cellular biology and molecular biology. This course is designed to be completely laboratory based.
Prerequisite: BIOL 240, BIOL 245
BIOL 412 Research in Epidemiology
Introduces the student to research methods in the field of epidemiology. Students will learn the value of research methodology as applied to the field of epidemiology with a focus on concepts and interpretation of basic research design and statistical analysis.
Prerequisite: None
BIOL 420 Bioinformatics (3 credits)
Introduces the fundamental algorithms used in bioinformatics and how these algorithms can be used to solve biological problems. In this class, the students will learn how bioinformatics algorithms work, as well as how to obtain sequence data from scientific databases and analyze these data using tools available on a high-performance computer.
Prerequisite: CSCI 243, BIOL 240
BIOL 424 Field Study in Marine Biology (4 credits)
Students will conduct research studies in marine habitats. Field work will take place in the Bahamas over spring break. Students will have the opportunity to visit a variety of habitats, such as sandy intertidal zones, estuaries, mangrove forests, shallow benthic areas and coral reefs (barrier, fringing and patch). Students will plan studies, conduct research at the field station, prepare a research report and present their findings.
Prerequisite: BIOL 324, instructor approval
BIOL 440 Physiological Aspects of Exercise (4 credits)
Develops an understanding of the phenomena involved in optimum physiological functioning during work performance, whether it be in everyday living or athletic participation. Provides students with an understanding of the physiological aspects of exercise and its practical applications. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: BIOL 150
BIOL 450 Animal Behavior (4 credits)
Introduces the topic of animal behavior, exploring the principles of ecology, evolution, development, and ethology. The course will examine behavioral adaptation (including physiological, ecological, and evolutionary aspects) from individuals to population-level interactions. Topics include: foraging, anti-predator, and mating strategies: mechanistic control of behavior, sociality, and aggression. Laboratory component will focus on observation, communication, and experimental design.
Prerequisite: BIOL 240
BIOL 460 Ecology (4 credits)
Investigates community and ecosystem structure and function, energy transformation, matter cycling, abiotic factors, food webs, symbiosis and populations. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: BIOL 245
BIOL 480 Cell & Molecular Biology (4 credits)
Explores the eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell. Examines the cellular processes of transport phenomena, membrane metabolism, growth, and reproduction, with detailed coverage of the ultrastructure and function of cellular organelles. Laboratory emphasizes development of investigative techniques and genetic engineering. Required laboratory.
Prerequisite: Junior/senior status
BIOL 484 Biomechanical Analysis of Human Movement (3 credits)
Provides instruction in those competencies essential to the study of the human body as a machine for the performance of work. Enables effective understanding and/or evaluation of motor skills and their effect on the human structure.
Prerequisite: BIOL 316
BIOL 491 BMC: Clinical Chemistry (8 credits)
Introduces the student to the physiology of the organ system of the body and the various analytes that interact with them. Discusses abnormal physiology and relates to various disease states. Discusses the principles of test methodology. The student applies this theory to the clinical lab using current diagnostic techniques and instrumentation to correlate lab results to disease processes.
Prerequisite: Department approval, requires acceptance and enrollment in 911黑料网-BMC Med Tech Clinical Lab Experience
BIOL 492 BMC: Clinical Molecular Biology (1 credit)
Introduces the student to the basic structure and function of DNA. Discusses the impact of molecular genetics in medicine and specific methods for analysis. The student applies this theory in the molecular biology laboratory using current diagnostic techniques and instrumentation to correlate lab results with disease.
Prerequisite: Department approval, requires acceptance and enrollment in 911黑料网-BMC Med. Tech. Clinical Lab Experience
BIOL 493 BMC: Clinical Immunology (1 credit)
Introduces the student to the immune system and the immune response. Discusses immune detection, immunodeficiency disorders, autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity, and tumor and transplant immunology. Discusses the antigen-antibody complex and the relationship to current testing methodology. The student applies this theory in the clinical lab using current immunologic techniques and instrumentation to correlate lab results to disease processes.
Prerequisite: Department approval, requires acceptance and enrollment in 911黑料网-BMC Med. Tech. Clinical Lab Experience
BIOL 494 BMC: Clinical Hematology (8 credits)
Introduces students to the study of the hematopoietic system including the relationship of hematologic diseases to diagnostic characteristics. Discusses erythrocyte and leukocyte disorders; cellular morphology, mechanisms and disorders of hemostasis and fibrinolysis; and principles of test methodology. The student applies this theory in the clinical lab using current diagnostic techniques and instrumentation to correlate lab results to disease processes.
Prerequisite: Department approval, requires acceptance and enrollment in 911黑料网-BMC Med. Tech. Clinical Lab Experience
BIOL 495 BMC: Clinical Urinalysis and Body Fluids (1 credit)
Introduces the student to the study of body fluids including urine, cerebral spinal fluid, synovial fluid, serous fluids, seminal fluid and miscellaneous other fluids. Discusses specimen collection and analysis. The student applies this theory in the clinical lab using current diagnostic techniques and instrumentation to correlate lab results with disease processes.
Prerequisite: Department approval, requires acceptance and enrollment in 911黑料网-BMC Med. Tech. Clinical Lab Experience
BIOL 496 BMC: Clinical Microbiology (8 credits)
Introduces the student to the study of bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral infections in humans. Discusses transmission, clinical symptoms, specimen collection and laboratory methods used to identify suspect organisms. Discusses prevention, as well as antibiotic therapy. The student applies this theory in the clinical lab to isolate and identify pathogens, to provide antibiotic sensitivity information, and to correlate culture results with disease states.
Prerequisite: Department approval, requires acceptance and enrollment in 911黑料网-BMC Med. Tech. Clinical Lab Experience
BIOL 497 BMC: Clinical Immunohematology (5 credits)
Introduces the student to the different human blood groups, blood components, the antibody screening and identification process, transfusion protocols, blood donor screening, and state and federal regulations. The student applies this theory in the clinical lab to process blood and its components, determine blood product compatibility, apply appropriate quality control and correlate patient results to blood disorders.
Prerequisite: Department approval, requires acceptance and enrollment in 911黑料网-BMC Med. Tech. Clinical Lab Experience
BIOL 499 Teaching Assistant in Biology (1 to 3 credits)
Provides the opportunity for a student to assist in the preparation and implementation of a biology course.
Prerequisite: Department approval
BIOL 500 Biology Independent Study (1 to 3 credits)
Open to juniors and seniors who wish to read in a given area or to study a topic in depth. Written reports and frequent conferences with the advisor are required.
Prerequisite: Junior/senior status, department approval
BIOL 510 Biology Independent Research (1 to 3 credits)
For biology majors who desire to conduct research on a specific topic in biology. The research will be under the direction of the instructor and will require a scholarly report.
Prerequisite: Department approval
BIOL 540 Biology Internship (1 to 15 credits)
Offers the student an opportunity to practice in a professional situation relevant to the biology major. The student will work with a faculty sponsor and an off-campus supervisor, as appropriate.
Prerequisite: Department approval, junior/senior status
BIOL 590 Medical Technology/Cytotechnology Internship (15 to 16 credits)
A specialized internship for this concentration taken during the fourth year of the program in an accredited hospital with a medical technology or cytotechnology program. During the internship students receive clinical laboratory training.
Prerequisite: Department approval, senior status
HLTH 150 Introduction to Community Health Education (3 credits)
Introduces the student to the fields of Public Health, Health Education and Health Promotion. The course will include the history of public health, health status, health care philosophy, health and wellness, chronic and infectious diseases, health-related behavior, and health theories and program models. Students will learn to use library databases and write a review of health-related literature.
Prerequisite: None
HLTH 200 Health Promotion and Planning (3 credits)
Introduces students to health promotion programs. Students will develop health education curricula and teaching strategies for individuals and groups across the life span and in a variety of settings. Students will explore curricular design theory, health education needs assessments, instructional strategies, learner characteristics, teaching materials and aids, learning environments, and evaluation methods.
Prerequisite: None
HLTH 210 Health Growth and Development (3 credits)
Explores the life cycle from conception to death. Biological, sociological and psychological perspectives will be examined and applied to everyday situations and social issues.
Prerequisite: None
HLTH 540 Internship in Community Health Education (3 credits)
Provides students with hands-on experience outside of the college in the field of community health and wellness. The student will work with a faculty sponsor and an off-campus supervisor, as appropriate. Repeatable up to 12 credits.
Prerequisite: HLTH 200, and Junior/Senior Status