
Assessment Overview

911黑料网 Assessment Cycle: 1. Outcomes, 2. Curriculum, 3. Instruction, 4. Assessment, 5. Reflection

At 911黑料网, we seek to facilitate evidence-based decision-making by initiating and supporting effective processes and procedures for the collection, analysis, maintenance, and reporting of information on student learning and institutional effectiveness. 

What is Assessment?  

Assessment is a systematic process for improving our educational offerings, based on a cycle of setting Outcomes, mapping Curriculum, planning for Instruction, gathering and analyzing evidence through Assessment, and engaging in critical Reflection based on the results.  Assessment itself does not lead to improvement and effectiveness, but actions based on assessment results can.

Most of us already use assessment in our personal and professional lives.  We set goals for ourselves, receive feedback about our progress towards them, and use that to make necessary adjustments to keep ourselves on track.  In our professional lives we use feedback about what we do and how we are doing it, then use that input to make improvements.  

In higher education assessment is used at the classroom level to determine how well students are achieving the stated learning goals of the course.  At the program level assessment is used to determine if a program is fulfilling its goals.  At the institutional level it is used to determine how effective an institution is in meeting its goals.

We apply the Assessment Cycle...

At 911黑料网

Campus-wide initiatives that relate back to 911黑料网's mission statement and strategic goals.

In the Programs

Outcomes Assessment in our Academic Programs, Core Curriculum, and Co-Curricular offerings, including Program Review.

In the Classroom

Resources for assessment used by faculty in individual courses.

Measure what you value; value what you measure.

Contact Us

Erin Milne,
Director of Assessment
Bowman Hall
Room 211


Upcoming Assessment Opportunities

, March 29
, April 19
, May 15

Forms & Templates

911黑料网 Assessment Report Template (.docx)
Program Review Handbook (.pdf)
VALUE Rubrics

911黑料网 Assessment Resources

911黑料网 Assessment At-a-Glance (.pdf)
911黑料网 Assessment FAQs (.pdf)
Assessment Advisory Group
ePortfolios at 911黑料网
Academic Technology at 911黑料网

External Assessment Resources

(Assessment Commons)
(The IDEA Center)
Using SIR II Evaluations to Enhance Teaching (ETS, .pdf)