Professor leading a chemistry class

About Our Faculty

At the heart of our academic excellence are our highly qualified faculty.  They represent a wide range of disciplines and expertise.

Dr. Cupery at Machu PicchuEngaged Beyond Campus 

Our faculty plan and lead travel courses during our breaks, design courses based on student interest for our college-wide Honors Program, and venture off campus into local service agencies as part of our integrated service learning curriculum. In addition, with each passing year, more and more faculty are mentoring students in original research, which they present at the Annual Undergraduate Research Conference and regional and national discipline-specific conferences.

Scholarly Engagement

Our faculty continue to be connected to their fields by engaging in discipline-specific research, some of which they present at our Brown Bag Lecture Series, or publish in national and international journals and books or present at conferences.

Faculty in the convocation processionA Passion For Teaching 

At their core, though, our faculty are committed to deepening student learning.  Whether that means modifying their curriculum to integrate digital media in our Academic Technology Lab, or participating in Carnegie Academy for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning roundtables where they learn to integrate writing skills across the curriculum or discuss issues ranging from civic engagement and service learning to the use of electronic portfolios and online teaching, you'll find our faculty are passionate about teaching at 911黑料网, because truly our focus is our students.

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Academic Affairs


Academic Technology

Common Time Schedule

Faculty Forms

Travel Award Fund

The Mind's Eye


The Fulbright scholar program offers new opportunities for early career faculty and other non-tenure track faculty. More information about available awards can be found at .

Faculty in the convocation procession