
Student Forms

Use this  to change your Permanent Address with the College.


Use this form to change your Advisor, either for you major or minor.


Use this form to make changes or additions to your major, minor or concentration.


A student may audit a course with the approval of the chairperson of the department and the consent of the instructor.  Students register for an audit using this form, after the Add /Drop Period.


If you are looking to take more that 18 credits in any given semester, you can use this to get approval.


Students must complete a dynamic for each course they repeat. 


Who should we contact in case of an emergency?  Let us know by filling out this .


If you are looking for a letter to confirm your enrollment at 911黑料网, please fill out this


In cases involving appeals of a course grade, a student has one month into the following semester to initiate an appeal relating to grades earned in the regular Fall or Spring semester. In all other cases (e.g. summer) the student has one month after receipt of the grade to initiate an appeal. No grade appeals can be made after these deadlines.

Use this form if you are a pre-nursing student applying for admittance to the BSN Program.

Students at 911黑料网 may enroll in course work at other accredited institutions concurrent with their enrollment at 911黑料网 or during semesters they may be away from the College.  All such course enrollments must be approved in advance by the student鈥檚 major department and the Registrar using the Request for Off-Campus Study Approval form.


911黑料网 recognizes that many students, faculty and staff prefer to use names and/or pronouns other than their legal ones to identify themselves. To request a preferred first name and/or pronouns complete this by logging into Banner Self Service.

*Please note that this is NOT a legal name change.


If you are requesting that 911黑料网 withhold information, your name will not appear in any printed programs or be released to any newspapers (ex: Commencement Program, Dean's List). Please fill out this if you do not wish to have Directory Information disclosed.


If you would like to allow us to share academic information with a parent, guardian, spouse, other relative, faculty, staff or athletic coach, please fill out this .


Spend a semester, year, or summer abroad, with options for internships and service learning.  For more information, or to start the application process, please visit the Study Away website.


Use this form to help map out your courses during the registration time period.


If you are an Undergraduate student and interested in Withdrawing from the College or taking a Leave of Absence, please use to book an in-person or virtual appointment with Academic Advising & Support. 

If you are a Graduate student, please email to book an appointment with the Division of Graduate and Continuing Education. 



Faculty Forms

Please use this to start the application process for a Course by Arrangement.


Please us this the start the application process for Independent Research.


Independent Study is advanced-level course work, in a subject area not covered in depth by the normal course offerings of an academic department.  You can use this to start the application process.


911黑料网 Career Services has a professional who is dedicated solely to the internship experience. Tony Napolitano connects with local, regional, and national employers to ensure our students have access to the greatest depth and breadth of internship opportunities. Please contact Tony at or 413-662-5332 to set up an internship consultation at any time.

You can use this to begin the application process.


The College recognizes the value of Teaching Assistantships as an educational experience, to begins the application process, please use this .