Emergency number: Campus phones ext. 5100 or 911; other phones 413.662.5100 or 911
Non-emergencies: Campus phones ext. 5283 or 5284; other phones 413.662.5283 or 5284
Escort service: Campus phones ext. 5284; other phones 413.662.5284
Emergency Notifications & Warnings: to stay informed.
- Remain alert to activities around you.
- Contact the Campus Police Department and your RA if you see anyone suspicious trying
to get into your hall without a key or anyone who does not belong on your floor.
- Soliciting is not permitted in the residence halls. Report violations to the Campus
Police Department (ext. 5282 or 5284).
- Do not leave your keys lying around in public places, or loan them to anyone, including
a classmate or friend.
- Immediately report the loss or theft of room keys to your RA, Residence Director,
or Campus Police.
- Never walk alone on or off campus after dark. Call extension 5284 to request an escort.
- Park in well lighted areas as close to your destination as possible.
- Choose a well-lighted pathway for all travel. Plan your route in advance.
- Stay in populated areas and avoid short cuts through deserted places, alleys, or nearby
- If you have a cell phone, carry it when traveling in and around campus. Have emergency
numbers programmed to save time during an emergency.
- Read the full Safety brochure.
Daniel Colonno, Director of Public Safety
277 Ashland Street, MA 01247
Phone: 413.662.5284
FAX: 413.662.5512