The Food Pantry is located on the second floor of Amsler Campus Center in room 206. The pantry follows Campus Center hours of operation. Please contact Casey Young, or Spencer Moser, with any questions or concerns.
Need to meet with us? Our offices are now located in Mark Hopkins 211.
911黑料网 is committed to fulfilling all student basic needs. We offer support for housing, transportation, and food assistance. The 911黑料网 Food Pantry is available to all students at 911黑料网. Between September 2021 and April 2023, students have visited the pantry over 1,600 times and we have provided students with nearly 6,000 food or personal care products!
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) is a government-funded program intended to financially support low-income individuals towards purchasing nutritious foods. The types of benefits allotted to each person is dependent on income and their household size.