911ºÚÁÏÍø's Public Safety officers

Public Safety

Department of Public Safety - Campus Police

A Message from the Chief

The safety and well-being of our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors is our top priority. We are committed to providing the highest level of professional police and public safety services to foster a safe learning and working environment for all. As we move forward, it is my hope that our services and outreach efforts will strengthen our connection to the community we serve.

Our devotion to being part of the community and building relationships, helps us to better understand the importance of cooperation, education, and police-citizen partnerships. Our commitment towards this style of policing allows us to be part of the fabric of the 911ºÚÁÏÍø and assists us in cultivating true partnerships with our community.

We welcome your comments, suggestions and ideas for making the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts an even safer environment. To share your ideas with the Department of Public Safety, please visit our facility located at 341 Ashland St. or call us at 413.662.5284 or give us your feedback here.


Daniel J. Colonno
Chief of Police

About Our Department

The police officers and staff of the Department of Public Safety - Campus Police are dedicated to ensuring the safety of everyone on campus, at all times. We do this through a series of educational and training programs, emergency booklets and phones throughout campus, escort services, 24-hour patrols, and emergency alerts and other notifications as needed. We also provide student ID cards and parking decals, and are here to help if your car needs a jump start or you lock yourself out of your room or vehicle.

Our officers are sworn, warranted, armed police officers and certified First Responders, many of whom have specialized training in addition to their Police Academy and Field Officer training. All officers receive in-service training annually.

Safety is Everyone's Responsibility

Please help us make the campus as safe as possible. Always be aware of your surroundings. Should you sense a potential threat or witness suspicious behavior, call extension 5100 or 911 immediately. Here are some additional ways to keep you and others safe.


Emergency Quick Guide

Reporting Emergencies

Serious Crime or Violence

Evacuation Instructions

Bomb Threat


Campus Map

Natural Disaster





Active Shooter

Some of the content you are about to see in the link below may be disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.

September is Emergency Preparedness Month

Emergency Preparedness ToolKit

Criminal and Legal Sanctions Associated with Drug and Alcohol Use 

Parking Info & Other Services

Parking Regulations

Shuttle Schedule  Shuttle Service is not available at this time

Ticket Appeal Form

Campus Police Logs

Request a Report or Record Van Certification Form

Emergency numbers - Campus phones ext. 5100 or 911; other phones 413.662.5100 or 911

Emergency Notifications & Warnings - Sign up now to stay informed.

Non-emergencies - Campus phones ext. 5283 or 5284; other phones 413.662.5283 or 5284

Escort service - Campus phones ext. 5284; other phones 413.662.5284

2024 Clery Report

Massachusetts Campus Violence Prevention Report 2016

Guardian App


Daniel Colonno, Executive Director of Public Safety
341 Ashland Street, MA 01247

Phone: 413.662.5284
FAX: 413.662.5512