Psychology Major

The Psychology Major

We offer a four-year program leading to a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. You study principles of human growth and development and the processes of learning, cognition, and emotion. Particular focus is on personality development, maladaptive behavior, social diversity and group interactions, and the biological bases of behavior. The major provides the foundation for careers in human services and counseling, in business and industry, and in working with children, adolescents, and adults in schools or clinical settings. As a Psychology major, you can pursue provisional teacher certification as an early childhood teacher by completing a certification program in early childhood education. The major program also prepares students for graduate study in all areas of psychology, social work, business, education, and other related professions.

Student learning objectives for Psychology majors at 911黑料网:

  • Develop knowledge base of content domains, themes, and applications of psychology
  • Demonstrate competence in interpreting, designing, and conducting psychological research
  • Demonstrate competence in applying ethical standards to evaluation of psychological science and to multiple social issues
  • Communicate proficiently for a variety of purposes, both orally and in writing
  • Develop career goals through application of psychological knowledge and refinement of self-regulation and teamwork capacity

The Psychology Flowsheet details the required courses for the major. including the Core Curriculum and Graduation requirements customized for Psychology majors.

Psychology Flowsheet For First-year and Transfer Students entering Fall 2021 and later


Psychology Major Requirements 

Foundation Courses

  • PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychology 3 cr
  • PSYC 101 Introductory Seminar in Psychology 1 cr

Research Methodology

  • PSYC 290 Psychological Research & Stats I 4 cr
  • PSYC 291 Psychological Research & Stats II 4 cr

 Primary Content Domains: Please select four of the following (at least two must be 300-level) 12cr

  • PSYC 210 Developmental Psychology OR PSYC208/208H Applied Developmental Psychology
  • PSYC 230 Social Psychology 3 cr
  • PSYC 270 Abnormal Psychology 3 cr
  • PSYC 310 Cognitive Psychology 3 cr
  • PSYC 316 Behavior Analysis 3 cr
  • PSYC 331 Biological Psychology 3 cr

Advanced Research and Methods: Please select one of the following 4cr

  • PSYC 360 Measurement and Assessment 4 cr
  • PSYC 390 Research Design & Analysis 4 cr
  • PSYC 397 Research Seminar 4 cr

Upper Level Electives: (select at least 2 courses; 6-8 cr)

  • 6-8 Credits of 300 level or higher PSYC coursework (excluding PSYC 301, PSYC 391, PSYC 470, PSYC 552, PSYC 553, PSYC 554, PSYC 555

Capstone Experience (4 cr)

  • PSYC 301 Psychology Professional Seminar
  • PSYC 410 History of Psychology OR PSYC 499 Advanced Seminar OR PSYC 550 Senior Thesis       


Total Credits 38-40


Psychology Major

Behavior Analysis Concentration 

(As part of the Psychology Major)

Behavior Analysis Sequence 13- 18 cr

  • PSYC 316 Behavior Analysis 3 cr
  • PSYC 416 Research in Behavior Analysis 4 cr
  • PSYC 516 Functional Assessment and Intervention 3 cr
  • PSYC 518 Ethics and professional Issues in Behavior Analysis 3 cr
            OR Sequence II
  • PSYC 552 NECC: Advanced Learning
  • PSYC 553 NECC: Functional Analysis and Treatment of Behavior Disorders 
    or PSYC 554 NECC: Systematic Inquiry in Applied Research
  • PSYC 555 NECC: Seminar and Practica in Clinical Practice

Total Credits 42-47

Minor in Psychology

The Psychology Minor enables students to acquire a fundamental understanding of complex human behaviors.

Minor in Behavior Analysis

Three intensive Behavior Analysis Minor program for Non Psychology Majors to help prepare you for careers or graduate study in behavior analysis.