Honors Faculty HAB


Honors Advisory Board Faculty


Michael Birch

COMM-481 From Semiotics to Significations

My main area of research focuses upon the intersection of all media representations and mental health, connecting with developments in language, as well as the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and personal technologies. 


Ingrid Castro

SOCI-495 Children's Geographies

My theoretical and qualitative work focuses on children and young adults; race, gender, and education; and applying a sociological lens to cinema studies.


Eric Doucette

BIOL-327 Plants and Society

My primary research centers on the systematics (species-level relationships and classification) of the genus Amelanchier, shrubs and trees in the rose family (Rosaceae). 


Zack Finch

ENGL-341 Hybrid Poetics

I write poetry and lyric essays and teach a variety of creative writing courses at 911黑料网.  My scholarship focuses primarily on North American poetry and literature from the postbellum era through the contemporary moment. 


Hannah Haynes

HONR-301 US Racial Theory

My training is in American Cultural Studies with a focus on critical race theory, US immigration history, and Latinx studies. My teaching interests focus on the study and advocacy for racial and social justice, including immigrant and refugee rights.


Mohamad Junaid

ANTH-130 Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology ANTH-395 Religion and Ritual

Cultural Anthropology; Visual Culture; Affect; Memory; Space/Place; Anti-colonial Praxis; Interspecies Ethics; Environmental Justice; Images/Documentary Film; Philosophy of Religion; South Asia.


Philip McKnight


Victoria Papa

HONR-401 Creativity & Survival

My teaching and research examines the intersection of cultural trauma and experimental aesthetics in American literature and visual culture from the modernist period to the present. 


Nicole Porther

HLTH 150H: Honors: Intro to Community & Public Health

My research focuses on the cultural, social and environmental barriers and inequities involved in the prevalence of renal disease, as well as on molecular markers of renal disease. 


J. Antonio Templanza


Ruby Vega

PSYC 208: Applied Developmental Psychology

Student learning and motivation


Tom Whalen

BADM 440H Advanced Leadership

My research/teaching interests include leadership, cultural and social ontology, business strategy, management, marketing, and leadership