Serving Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden and Hampshire Counties
The 2020 Western Massachusetts Science and Engineering Fair will take place at Smith College in Northampton MA. For future information please contact the new Science Fair Director, Deborah Day at
We send out congratulations to all the students that participated in the 2019 Fair. The list of winners can be found here!
Research Plan (Forms 1A, 1B, C, D) These forms need to be submitted PRIOR to students beginning their research. Must be submitted for SRC approval by January 7th. |
Regional Fair Registration Forms Registration period ends April 12, 2019.
Fair Details |
We are letting YOU create the look of the 2019 fair! Interested students can create a cover for the event program and !
8:30-9:30: Student Registration & Set up
9:30-12:00: Judging Sessions (Open to students and judges)
12:00-1:00: Lunch
1:00-1:45: Open to the Public
1:45-2:15: Keynote speaker & Award Ceremony
Upcoming Dates:
2019 State competition: May 11, 2019 @ Worcester Technical High School
By placing at the regional fair you are automatically registered (pending a safety review of your forms) for the state fair and your paperwork will be sent to the State Fair. The State Fair is on May 11th at Worcester Technical High School from 8:00AM-5:00 PM. If you are unable to attend, please email Karin Lebeau at
We look forward to seeing you at the 2019 fair!
Contact: or 413-662-5222