Berkshire Readiness Centers
911黑料网 and BCC oversee one of six Readiness Centers in Massachusetts. The priority issues
and concerns that are addressed by the Berkshire Readiness Center are to:
- Ensure access to resources across the educational spectrum from early childhood through
higher education, and beyond to lifelong learning.
- Align the goals and benchmarks at each stage of students' educational experience so
the transition from one stage to the next is seamless.
- Meet the need for expanded and coordinated professional development for teachers.
- Develop projects and programs that lead students to aspire to educational attainment,
especially aspirations to pursue higher education.
- Address the education and workforce training needs of adult learners so that parents
and caregivers can meet their own educational goals, develop or strengthen their commitment
to education as an aspirational goal, and model behaviors of educational engagement to
children in their care.
For more information about the Berkshire Readiness Center, see:
Or contact:
Doug McNally,