Meet the Team

C:\fakepath\officephoto.jpgLiz Hartung is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at 911黑料网. She received a PhD in Mathematics from Syracuse University in 2012. She has integrated Service Learning into her Math for Elementary Educators Course, in which 911黑料网 students are paired with local elementary school teachers and individual students. She has also integrated Service Learning into projects in her upper level math major courses. She is active in SENCER, a national organization focusing on civic engagement in the sciences. She has been a faculty co-coordinator of Service Learning since 2013.

spencerSpencer Moser received his master鈥檚 degree in intercultural and international management from the School for International Training in Brattleboro, Vermont. Since 2005, Spencer has been director of the 911黑料网 Volunteer Center, which is housed in Student Affairs. In addition to developing community service and student leadership programs, Spencer co-coordinates the Community Based Learning initiative at 911黑料网. The work of the Volunteer Center and bridging Student Affairs with Academic Affairs has been a valuable Community Based Learning resource for the college and community.


Sumi Colligan received a Ph.D from Princeton University in cultural anthropology in 1980. She has been teaching in the Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work Department at 911黑料网 since 1984. She first became involved in evaluating her courses for serving-learning potential in the late 1990s. Through this process, she realized that there was a dearth of literature on anthropology and service learning so she and Dr. Arthur Keene from UMass Amherst co-edited a special issue of the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning on this theme in 2004. Sumi has frequently helped organize a campus-wide event called a Hunger Banquet, in which students from diverse classes stage a teach-in regarding global issues of food insecurity, economic inequality, and other social injustices. She has been the faculty co-coordinator of service learning at 911黑料网 since Spring 2011.