Teaching faculty work together with the Director of Assessment to create dynamic and enriching assessment procedures and materials within their individual courses. Faculty initiatives are supported by data provided by Institutional Research and resources provided through the Center for Academic Technology.
Course Objectives refer to what individual instructors plan for a specific course. For instance, "to raise students' awareness about substance abuse by pre-teens." They are inputs of a course that will lead to the student learning outcomes.
Learning Outcomes within a course are concise statements that specify the measurable knowledge, skill, or behavior that faculty expect students to be able to demonstrate at the end of the course. An example of a learning outcome for an American history course might be "Students will be able to analyze the causes of the Civil War." Learning outcomes should map to the course objectives, and should also support program goals and the strategic goals of the college.
Please see the sidebar on the right and the links above for helpful resources that can be used to create tools for assessment within courses at 911黑料网.