Phi Alpha Theta

phi alpha theta National History Honor SocietyAlpha Beta Omega, the 911黑料网 Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta

students and faculty at hist/pspp award ceremony

The Department of History and Political Science encourages students to strive for membership in the national history honor society, Phi Alpha Theta.

Our chapter, Alpha Beta Omega, was founded in 1985. New members are invited to join in the spring semester and are inducted into the chapter at the annual department banquet. For more information on the national society, click .

Membership requirements for Alpha Beta Omega: students must be juniors or seniors and complete a minimum of 4 courses in History, achieve a minimum GPA of 3.1 in History and a GPA of 3.0 or better overall. Membership is open to History majors or minors.

For more information, contact Professor Daly.